Mirror Neurons…We Who Are Without Sin Cast the First Stone!

Lorrance Herring
2 min readMar 25, 2018


The way our eyeballs are constructed often cause us to see and understand each other backwards and upside down, just the same way others can see and understand us! Assumptions and misunderstandings can run wild…misunderstood people can get shunned, erased, or even…gulp…killed! Relationships can die. Entire cultures can get annihilated.

Villain, victim on the wall,

when I chew you out and start to call

you names… and say all sorts of reviling,

vile atrocities, it’s really myself in your eyes

I see.

Snow White’s step-mom, the Wicked Witch

she thought Snow White a threatening bitch.

In her murderous heart she harbored hate

and devised a plan that sealed her fate.

To hate another is to hate oneself

whether you look like Golem, a dwarf, or an elf.

Whether you judge yourself a beauty queen

or the fugliest fucktard you’ve ever seen!

Inside your heart and in your mind

you can choose to be hateful or choose to be kind.

It matters not, in the extremes

the nightmare whore is another’s dream!

Madonna Lorra, Madonna Mary

mother of Jesus, you’re still very scary

to those who see themselves in you!

Raised to be Jewish, and Christian, too

A Pagan Goddess, through and through!

A slut, a whore, a weak-willed mother

who watched her children, one after the other

live and die by their own damned choices,

except for the ones who still don’t have voices!

“Jesus! Come home son! Quit telling your tales!

Who cares about the hurt kept behind hidden veils?”

“I do, mom. I saw it in you. Now, these are MY children…

are you MY child, too?”



Lorrance Herring

Oregon born, Bardass Poet, Bat-Shit Crazy Stand-Up Comedian, Entertaining Social Activist, Mamadadaist Artist of 8 kids, Weirdo Wonder Woman, Narc Researcher